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Registration is here! June 1 deadline

It’s time to register for the National Showcase competition! EPIC Productions will register your skater for all ensemble events. Your fees for the group pay for ensemble registration, so there is no additional cost to you.

To make sure the ensembles are registered, please:

  1. Check your mini-ensemble channel on Slack to confirm your skater’s level is accurate
  2. After we register, you will need to confirm your participation. You will receive an email from USFS with instructions.

Are you planning to ALSO skate a singles or duet/trio event?

National Showcase 2021 logo

Register yourself for solo or duet/trio events at the official National Showcase 2021 site. See the 2021 Competition Announcement for details.

This year, you can skate alone, as a duet, or in a trio! (Previously, trios were considered mini-ensembles).

If Marianne is NOT your regular main coach, you do not have to put her as your main coach this year, as your own coaches will be around! If you want Marianne to put you on the ice for your solo or duet/trio event, her regular coaching fees apply (solos/duets are not covered by EPIC Productions fees).

Costs for registering for singles or duet events are:

  • 1st Singles event: $160.00
  • Additional Singles event or Interpretive: $85.00
  • Duet/Trio: per duet (Only one registration needed per duet/trio team, but both skaters must be listed on the team roster.) S160.00

Register for singles or duet/trio events here:

New solo events!

USFS has changed the events for National Showcase in new and exciting ways! The “light artistic” and “dramatic artistic” categories are no longer used, and instead there are FIVE different singles events, plus Interpretive. They are listed below. You can also read all the requirements at the USFS National Showcase 2021 Guidelines – that document has rules about costumes, props, scenery, and other details, too.

Singles/duets/trios program times:

  • Preliminary – Pre-juve: 1:30 min. +/- 10 sec.
  • Juve: 2:00 min. +/- 10 sec.
  • Intermediate – Novice: 2:10 min. firm maximum
  • Junior: 2:30 min. firm maximum
  • Senior: 2:40 min. firm maximum

Singles Events:

EventDescriptionLip synchingProps/ SceneryTechnicalMusic
Dramatic PerformancePrograms should portray a story, expressing conflict, resolution and/or depth of emotion. Skater should provoke an emotional response with the audience – through related skating movements, gestures and choreographic processes. The entire spectrum of emotions should be considered, not just negative ones in selection of the piece being used (for example: love, loss, longing, fulfillment).NoYesNo limitsAny
Choreographic Artistry (Juve – Senior only)Emphasis should be on developing movement on the ice, using the entire body to express abstract ideas and choreographic processes and gestures.
Costuming should be simple with minimal adornment.
NoNo½ rotation jumps, 1 full spin, additional spins with 3 or fewer revolutionsWithout spoken words or lyrics
Lyrical PopPerform to your favorite song containing lyrics, without lip-synching.NoNoNo limitsHas lyrics
Character PerformanceSkaters will impersonate a character, original or adapted. Performances as a character from a movie, musical, book, original idea, original adaptation are all welcome here.RequiredYesNo limitsAny
Comedic ImpressionsA humorous performance intentionally designed to achieve continuous/multiple chuckles, laughs, or rises from viewers. Performance is projected outward towards audience and entertaining through skating movements, gestures and physical actions deemed comedicYesYesNo limitsAny

Interpretive Event (1:30 min.)

The program will be a performance choreographed by the competitor, unaccompanied and unassisted, to music that is supplied by the LOC. The CJS will be used to score each performance. The music will be played continuously during a 30-minute off ice session in a room. The room will be attended only by the adult monitor assigned to play the music, and the competing skaters. The music will be played twice during a warm-up on full ice. After the warm-up skaters will go back to the room, with no music being played. Skaters will be brought to the ice when the previous skater finishes. All competitors in an event will interpret the same music.

Props are permitted but must be brought into the room, using nothing larger than a carry-on luggage suitcase prior to listening to the music the very first time. All costumes and props are to be taken to the ice only when the skater is called to perform.

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