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Summer Team Events

It’s summer – EPIC Productions season! We have a fun set of activities that we’ll be organizing, including for fundraising and enhancing costumes and props.

You might not be able to attend every one of these, but we hope you can attend most of them!

Here are there the events we’re doing this summer:

Garage Sale FundraiserJune 25th, 7:30am – noonThe Coatman’s HouseDrop off items on Fri, June 24th between 5-7pm (or make separate arrangements with Alison
TBDEPIC rinkAsk friends and family to sponsor your skate with a donation of any size. Wear costumes, do fun games and contests, skate to fun music.
Crystal & Make-Up PartyTBDThe Martey’s HouseCrystal your EP costumes – learn how or bring your current skills. Learn how to do your character’s make-up for the show.
EP ExhibitionJuly 30th, 3:00-5:15EPIC rinkProgram run-throughs with invited audience (full costume, make-up, props, sets) for ensembles and individual skaters
Lake PartyTBDBy Marianne’s housePot-luck picnic and swim/paddle party – our annual tradition! Bring lawn chairs, towels, water toys, and something to share!

To sign up to help and learn more details, see the Slack message about our summer events and follow the link to the Google doc.

The EP Team Spirit & Events Skater Committee will be working hard to set up the details, so keep an eye out on Slack for announcements about how you can help, too!

One of the most important aspects of our summer events is team-building, so we hope you will make a special effort to attend these activities.

Another important aspect is fundraising! We use the money raised to off-set costs of the program. We start by making sure current costs are covered and that we have a buffer to unanticipated costs of about $1,500 in our account. Then we return money raised to you!

Whatever we raise beyond the team’s requirements for this year is returned to you as a reimbursement!

So let’s raise some funds together!

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